August 10th 2007

Philadelphia – part 3

What visit to Philadelphia would be complete without a peek at the legendary Liberty Bell?

I think it’s fair to say that all Americans believe (or at least want to believe) the longstanding myth which purports that on July 8, 1776 the Liberty Bell was sounded to call for the citizens of Philadelphia to gather around to hear the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.

In person, the Liberty Bell seems to emit an aura comparable to that of the sword in the stone. Prophetically, the inscription “Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof” was actually a 1751 testimonial to the 50th anniversary of William Penn’s authoring of the Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges. At 2000 pounds, the Liberty Bell once known as the Independence Bell, is comprised of 70% copper and 25% tin. From 1885 through 1915 the Liberty Bell made appearances throughout the country. It was ultimately decided that risks associated with moving the bell were unwise.

During the period from 1790 to 1800 the Liberty Bell was used to call the young government’s legislature into session. After the signature crack first appeared, a result of a casting flaw common for that era, the bell was repaired in preparation for what would ultimately be its last performance. A slot was cut along the crack and two rivets installed in order to restore its distinctive E flat stike note. The Liberty Bell was last (officially) rung incessantly for George Washington’s birthday celebration in 1846.

Walking through the Liberty Bell Center was I couldn’t grasp the modernistic ambiance of the building. For me, it couldn’t be any more inconsistent with the purpose of this shrine. I remain perplexed by the architectural design choice of the facility however, when I turned the corner where I could see the Bell, the only thing you see is the fabled icon of America’s origin.

- moving on to Independence Hall…

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